Tuesday, August 26, 2008

the trick to doing your laundry correctly..

75 cents. And some brain power. Which I do not really have but we can forget that right now. So Miami is a beautiful place. Fully equipped with palm trees and beaches... wait. I don't see any palm trees... or beaches! So then, where are we?? We are in Oxford, Ohio silly. Where the sun shines a beautiful 85 degrees during the day and there are actual seasons. Yes the leaves on the real trees (no palm trees) turn gorgeous shades of orange and red and... brown. (I feel like I am doing a lot of dot dot dots.) The place where dreams are made. Miami University. NOT the University of Miami. I get quite defensive when it comes to that. Have you ever seen 'Mean Girls'? Well so far with my roomies (3) there have been many. I am getting along with them quite well, and for the friends at home, well, eh. Yay friends putting in effort! Walk walk walk, talk talk talk. I think I came back to my dorm fully equipped with 3 blisters after the first day. And there has totally been a lot of conversing. I have met more people in 2 days then I have in maybe 4 years. That could be totally untrue but you never know. And out of how many of those people do I actually remember their names? 4? 5? That's what I have Rachel (roomie #1) for.  Large font, I have bad eye sight. And apparently a very random and disorganized mind. Unorganized? Disorganized? Well it's all over the place. 12:59 wayyy past my bed time. Good night moon. 

Oh, and don't forget to separate the whites from the darks.

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